Friday, January 22, 2010

Fresh Start...

I have thought about blogging time and time again, but I was always get stuck on exactly what to blog about. My life was just average. For years, I was your typical teenager…marching band geek, music loving, fast food eating, late night studying, teenager.

I have always found health to be my favorite subject to study (other than music) in school, but I never really took into account or cared that much about my own health. I mean, the “normal” thing was to go to McDonald’s during a free period to get fries and a milk shake multiple times a week. It was “normal” to have a candy bar and bottle of soda on hand each and every day of high school. I didn’t really give a second thought to what I was putting in my mouth and using to fuel my body. I did stop eating most meat, other than chicken and fish, around age 15, but that doesn’t mean I was eating healthy. I’ve always been a vegetable lover, but I was canceling out the good vegetables I ate with Twinkies and potato chips.

Anyway, about a year ago, I had a “revelation” so to speak. I was feeling terrible…not able to sleep, no energy, body aches, and constantly doubting myself. The doctor said it was “anxiety” and wanted to prescribe me this new medicine. It wasn’t even on the market yet (it is now though). She gave me a two-week sample and then said if I liked it, I could come back and get a prescription filled. I went home and stressed about it for several hours. I researched the medicine, and found the list of side effects was longer than the benefits the medicine was supposed to provide. Not to mention, I have always had a fear of medicine, or having to constantly be on a medicine. Well, to make a long story short, I threw the medicine away and decided it was time to take matters into my own hands.

That night, I was up really late (not the best way to kick-start my optimum health plan) but it was for a good cause. I was doing research…lots and lots of research. It started with looking up foods to boost energy levels, and then foods to help you sleep better, and so on and so on. I read story after story of people that cured their illnesses simply by changing their diet. I read about wheatgrass, raw food, veganism, juicing, omega-3s, vitamins, minerals, probiotics, fasting, organic food…everything. I immediately became fascinated with the power of nutrition.

Then I remembered a documentary I had watched on TLC a couple years ago called “Crazy Sexy Cancer”. The film is written and directed by Kris Carr, a true inspiration, who was diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer. She is told that her cancer is in Stage IV (there is no Stage V) and the doctors tell her all she can do is sit and wait. To sum it up, she kicks her cancer’s ass with a crazy, sexy, holistic approach to healing. Everyone needs to see this film, and read her books “Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips” and “Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor”. Even if you don’t have cancer, they will change your life, and help get you on the right path to optimum health. Unfortunately, we live in a world today where the statistics are: 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer…take a minute to think about that.

To me, that is a scary thought. So scary, that it makes me want to do everything in my power to stop disease in its tracks. Please note that just because you live a very healthy lifestyle, does not guarantee you will never get sick. However, there are numerous (and frankly quiet simple) ways to greatly reduce your risk.

So, for the past year, that is exactly what I’ve been trying to do. It started with switching to mostly organic produce and cutting out processed foods. I read article after article about food additives to avoid (just say no to high fructose corn syrupJ) and did so. During the summer, Mom and I ate a pretty high raw diet. There were lots of green smoothies and fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Ani Phyo’s book, “Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen” became my saving grace. Every recipe I made was easy, healthy and delicious. I craved fruits and veggies instead of cookies and chips. We visited the Farmer’s Market once a week and Whole Foods Market in Winston Salem a few times a month to stock up on raw and organic goodies. Of course, autumn came, classes started back, I got a job at the child care center and I kind of fell off the raw wagon. I was still avoiding harmful ingredients if possible, but I was eating more cereal bars and other processed items (you know, quick, easy, on-the-go type stuff). Even though they were organic, it still disrupted my system that I worked so hard to detox over the summer, and I was back to craving salts and sweets. I was eating a veggie sub for lunch every day (which isn’t too bad except for the fact the veggies were not organic). I started to feel tired all the time, had no energy and could not sleep at night.

However, once December 30th, I said to myself, “I’ve had it! This year is going to be different.” I sat down and wrote out my plan and made my goals for the year. The great thing is, since I introduced myself to this way of eating last year, it wasn’t hard to set the goals and have the “I can do it” attitude.

So far this year, I have managed have a “green cocktail” (recipe to come in tomorrow’s post) every single morning (except once because I stayed the night at a friend’s house and didn’t have my juicer). I have been ensuring that I get 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. I have eaten very little processed food since the year started. I make sure to get some form of exercise every day. Thanks to my job, I get a good workout on the days I work. On the days in-between, I do aerobics or strength training, and I do at least 15 minutes of yoga every single day.

Though I have yet to reach my perception of “optimum health”, I have been feeling much better lately. I decided to start a blog, so I could inform people on what I’m doing, especially my friends and family. I’ve tried explaining to some people, but they think it’s kind of weird, which is fine. This definitely is a “weird” lifestyle for the particular small-town area I live in. That’s okay, I thought some of the concepts were weird at first…until I actually tried them and felt the benefits. I intend to use this blog to share recipes, tips, ideas, product reviews, thoughts, challenges, etc. That wraps up this first post. I will actually keep up this blog and hope some great things come from it.

Thanks for reading,


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